Judges' Reasoning in Vasectomy-Induced Divorce Cases


  • Adim Ranun UIN Imam Bonjol padang
  • Yusnita Eva UIN Imam Bonjol padang




Divorce, Judge's Consideration, Vasectomy


Vasectomy or vas ligation is a male contraceptive method that involves cutting and ligating the right and left vas deferens to prevent the release of sperm during ejaculation. Vasectomy family planning also aims to change people's thinking about the value and number of children. This research method is library research, where books, journals, laws, and other scientific works relevant to the writing are used as references. The approach used in this research is a historical approach, which is carried out by examining the background and historical development of the legal issues at hand. The focus of this research is the judge's consideration of divorce cases triggered by vasectomy, as happened in the decision of the Simalungun Religious Court Number 266/Pdt.G/2013/PA.Sim. In the verdict, a dispute between husband and wife triggered by a vasectomy is recognized as a valid basis for granting permission for divorce. This reflects the importance of proper education and socialization regarding vasectomy that is not communicated can have an impact on the marriage, making the wife feel that she does not get satisfaction, enjoyment during sexual activity and the impact, among others, not having offspring. If a divorce occurs after a vasectomy, and then remarries, the subsequent marriage will have an impact on the couple who want offspring.

Author Biographies

Adim Ranun, UIN Imam Bonjol padang

UIN Imam Bonjol padang  

Yusnita Eva, UIN Imam Bonjol padang

UIN Imam Bonjol padang  


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How to Cite

Ranun, Adim, and Yusnita Eva. 2024. “Judges’ Reasoning in Vasectomy-Induced Divorce Cases”. Mawaddah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam 2 (2):211-28. https://doi.org/10.52496/mjhki.v2i2.64.


